Wind Turbines will Cut Your Life in Half

The premium Literature
3 min readMar 24, 2021

Its 2021,and its obvious pollution exists. Though, with all the advancements in technology, we can limit these pollutants. The question is at what cost though? Wind turbines, and solar panels are thought to be a good way to help, not pollute the earth. If we take a deeper look, we realize that some green energy obtaining techniques, pollute the earth to decrease pollution. In this case, wind turbines will be the main subject of examination.

What are wind turbines?

Wind turbines are the great gigantic fan like machines, that convert wind to energy. It works by spinning its propellers around a rotor, which then spins a generator, to create electricity. That electricity is then used by humans. Though, what about before it takes wind to make energy? The component and parts to assemble wind turbines create harmful pollutants, which contaminant the air, water, and land.

Elements of Wind Turbines

It is well noted that “wind turbines are predominantly made of steel (71–79% of total turbine mass), fiberglass, resin, or plastic (11–16%), iron or cast iron (5- 17%), copper (1%), and aluminum (0–2%).”( so basically, wind turbines are mostly made of steel, due to its toughness, and strong attribute to hold the blades as they rotate. Steel production is quite known to cause pollutants, though, one pollutant which is emitted from the making of steel production, is Nitrogen Oxide.

What are the pollutants?

There are many pollutants of course. From harmful gas, to toxic waste in the ocean. Though, one that particularly sticks out to me the most, is Nitrogen Oxide. Nitrogen Oxide is greatly produced at steel mills, the same mills that create steel for wind turbines to create green energy!! Another interesting thing, is that Nitrogen Oxide, is thought to be in the atmosphere for 114 years!! As it stays in the atmosphere, it absorbs radiation and traps heat within the atmosphere. This can cause both the Artic, and Antarctic, to melt.

Conclusion already?

Yep, this is the conclusion. You got the main idea in your head, so I decided to end it here. Green energy from birth, is never green. If electric cars were truly green, then dogs can fly!! Before we start to use green energy, we already do much damage before we can revert the changes we have done to earth. Think about electric cars, how do you charge it? The burning of fossil fuels supply most of our electricity, so is your green car truly green?

